Andean Orphanage

Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

Aldea Infitil de San Antonio is a state supported orphan’s home located in Cajamarca. The director struggles each month to purchase enough food for the 60+ children who live in the six houses with their Tia’s (House Mother). The children range in age from a few months to eighteen years old.

Since 1984, the Johnson’s have worked with the orphanage directors, who change frequently due to politics and a very low salary. Thanks to volunteers, many repairs to their poor facility have been made through the years. This work involved repairs to the roof, water heater, and electrical wiring and replacement of plumbing, windows, and doors, and construction of furniture such as kitchen cabinets, closets and beds. Playground equipment has been donated, repaired and painted as needed. Donations from volunteers and churches have provided hundreds of blankets, shoes, bed linens, clothes, and diapers. Donations also provide the daily milk, two protein meals weekly, medicine, medical and dental care. Christmas and birthday parties would not happen without volunteer help and donations. And their drinking and cooking water comes from a water well that Villa Milagro drilled and provided on the property.

Many times we are called on for special needs to care for sick children. Sufficient funds are not provided by the government. Workshops for cooking, sewing, crafts art and woodworking are conducted from time to time as money and time allow. Many of these orphans have given their lives to the Lord in response to His calling and to the demonstration of sacrificial love.